Copenhagen - where next?
It would be too easy to get down about the lack of progress at Copenhagen.
Instead, why not get active in reducing Northern Ireland's carbon footprint?
Stop Climate Chaos Northern Ireland is a coalition of environmental and development NGOs.
Their campaign, Get in the Game, is calling for the Stormont Executive to introduce a Northern Ireland Climate Change Bill to…
Added by marian farrell on January 10, 2010 at 18:30 —
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COP out - the struggle for climate justice continues
Well our campaigners have battled their way back from Copenhagen on snow-blighted trains.
We thought you might like to read
copenhagen.pdfsome more detail on the outcomes of Copenhagen, and what our campaigners have been doing.
Some of you have been taking part in our Copenhagen Action Alerts over the past fortnight. If so, thank you.…
Added by marian farrell on December 21, 2009 at 22:07 —
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in the words of Franny Armstrong, campaigning film maker...
Massive congratulations to Ian Katz at the Guardian, who has pulled off a genuinely historic coup by persuading 56 newspapers in 45 countries to
print the same editorial this morning, (Monday 7th December) marking the start of Copenhagen. First time the world's media has ever spoken with one voice. Almost... you've gotta love one…
Added by marian farrell on December 9, 2009 at 7:00 —
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Derry~Londonderry Regenera...doc
Tim O’Riordan is an Emeritus Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. He is a member of the UK Sustainable Development Commission and the Cambridge Programme for Industry Business and Environment Programme. He had researched widely on the transition to sustainability in Europe and especially the UK. He is also…
Added by marian farrell on December 8, 2009 at 19:46 —
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Mark Durkan letter.JPG
Attached is a copy of a letter sent by Mark Durkan MP MLA today to David Miliband MP, Foreign Secretary, in relation to the Climate Summit in Copenhagen. This summit commences today and lasts until 19 December. A similar letter has also been issued today to Ed Miliband MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change.
This letter represents the most…
Added by marian farrell on December 8, 2009 at 19:37 —
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Growing Together.doc
Transition Derry is linking with Jeanette Warke, Cathedral Youth Club and Maeve Mc Laughlin, Glenview Development Initiative to spark interest in community vegetable growing. Mark Patterson BBC Radio Foyle and gardener Gareth Austin have visited both areas and are supporting the project. You can listen to the interview with Jeanette on…
Added by marian farrell on December 2, 2009 at 17:30 —
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Wednesday 25th November
The Nerve Centre
This film is a remarkable inside look into the world of the honeybee, a creature upon whom our whole agricultural system depends and yet one that is also in crisis - reports have come in from across the planet of a third of the bees of America, Italy, France, Germany and the UK, dying or more mysteriously,vanishing. Scientists and beekeepers struggle to understand what is happening to the bee population and their role in our…
Added by marian farrell on November 24, 2009 at 16:00 —
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As the Inishowen Environment Group prepare to host their 21st annual tree sale in Carndonagh this Saturday November 28th, the group estimates that close to 40,000 trees have been sold or given away since 1988, the year the IEG came into being.
“I remember our first tree sale well” says one of the founding members, Bev Doherty. “We had won a £3000 cash prize for coming third in a nationwide environmental competition where almost the entire…
Added by marian farrell on November 24, 2009 at 10:28 —
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MEDIA ADVISORY – 5th November 2009
The End of the Line for Open Net Cage Salmon Farming?
- New film premieres around the world during next week’s Global Week of Action
A new short documentary produced by Canadian film-maker Damien Gillis lifts the lid on the problems caused by open net cage salmon farms worldwide. “Farmed Salmon Exposed: The Global Reach of the Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry” reveals the pervasive nature of the issues plaguing salmon…
Added by marian farrell on November 18, 2009 at 18:00 —
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Copenhagen E-alerts: Daily Campaigning Made Easy
If you can't make it to The Wave, or if you'd like to do more, we've developed an exciting new way for you to help us to keep the pressure on the negotiators as the talks are happening.
Sign up for our up to the minute action alert list, and during the week…
Added by marian farrell on November 16, 2009 at 18:30 —
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I've came across this article on living a year without money (The Guardian 10/11/09)
It prompted me to google the concept of Freeconomy and amongst the many sites retrieved I have found this…
Added by Admin on November 10, 2009 at 12:30 —
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For anybody interested in complementary therapies a group of graduated healers run a Crystal Healing clinic from the Junction (Opposite poundstretchers in Derry) the second tuesday of every month. Its from 7-9pm and is a minium donation of £5 for a twenty minute healing session. Tonight is the November Clinic.
Added by EmmaJane Logue on November 10, 2009 at 10:12 —
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Hello there, here a programme of TD activities to keep us occupied till the end of the year.
there are a couple of version of the leaflet
A Low resolution for web viewing
A double A5 version for cheap print (2 leaflets per A4 page)
I have a high A5 resolution version for…
Added by Admin on November 5, 2009 at 22:30 —
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Some exciting stuff on here!
Added by Jane on November 5, 2009 at 11:27 —
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The Horticultural Society meet every 3rd Thurs of the month in St Columbs Park Hall.
They have a different talk each meeting and this month it is about encouraging wildlife in your garden.
The meeting starts at 7.30pm, Thurs 19th November and is £3.
All are welcome.
Added by Jane on November 5, 2009 at 10:03 —
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This year's lecture will be given by Allan Savory, a Zimbabwean biologist and farmer who was the 2003 winner of the Australian Banksia Environmental Foundation prize. He will argue that while livestock may contribute to climate change, they can also be an important part of the solution. He has demonstrated time and again in Africa, Australia and North and South America that, properly managed, they are essential to land restoration. With the right techniques, plant growth is lusher, the water…
Added by marian farrell on November 3, 2009 at 15:30 —
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Anyone interested in learning about keeping bees?
The Roe Valley Bee Keeping Association are running a course over winter, 8 theoretical sessione (6 sessions before Christmas, 2 after), then practical sessions in the Spring.
It will be based in Limavady.
If you are interested contact Sam Millar on
There is a cost of £75.
All the best,
P.s. I'll be going :)
Added by Jane on November 1, 2009 at 14:37 —
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Today, October 24, is a global day of action around climate change, organized by the folks at Why 350? That’s the parts per million of carbon that scientists think is the ‘safe’ level that will keep the planet at least somewhat recognizable as the one we’ve grown to know and depend on for our lives. What are we at currently? Something like 390, and climbing! So time is short. With a new round of global negotiations scheduled for Copenhagen in early December, tomorrow’s actions will…
Added by marian farrell on October 24, 2009 at 12:49 —
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It 's easy to feel overwhelmed by climate change, but it doesn't have to be this way.
What if we resolved to cut 10% of our emissions in 2010?
Not a bad start. What if we got everyone we know to do the same? And what if all this made governments sit up and take notice? Maybe this could be the first step towards a brighter future. Time to stop imagining. It's happening right now.
Sign up today and be a part of it.
Added by marian farrell on October 19, 2009 at 15:51 —
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Yesterday's foraging walk in Erveys wood truly worked out a treat for all (Sunday 11/10/09). Expert forager Colin Peck lead a group of children and grown-ups deep into the woods and onto a path of new discoveries.
The sun was shining, the mushrooms were plenty and easy to find once the eyes got tuned into 'shroom' vision (the next best thing after X-ray vision). Grown ups started shamelessly competing with children in picking up
chanterelles hiding in bilberry bushes,…
Added by Admin on October 12, 2009 at 14:00 —
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