a good news
article in the Guardian
Added by marian farrell on October 7, 2009 at 21:30 —
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The Freeconomy Community's aim is to help reconnect people in their local communities through the simple act of sharing. Not only is sharing our resources better for the environment, it saves you money and builds friendships with those people who live closest to you. It is what we call a WIN-WIN-WIN situation.
Everything is shared for FREE on Freeconomy, and no money changes hands between members.
We do not use advertising, we receive no donations or income from the…
Added by marian farrell on September 25, 2009 at 17:54 —
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Steve Connor, Science Editor with The Independent Newspaper outlines the situation re. Peak Oil. You can read the full article including an interview with Dr Fatih Birol, chief economist with the International Energy Agency.
Oil: An… Continue
Added by marian farrell on August 4, 2009 at 18:00 —
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A message to all members of Transition Derry
Hi everyone
I'm thinking of compiling a booklet to celebrate Transition Derry's first year. I'd really like to have input from as many people as possible - just a few lines would be great, giving your reasons for being involved and also your personal vision for the future - Derry 2025. Where will our food be coming from? How will we heat our homes? Travel to work? Look after our health and well-being? Will we be using money in…
Added by marian farrell on July 27, 2009 at 9:00 —
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For a natural alternative to household cleaners mix the juice of a half lemon, 9 drops of thyme essential oil, 500ml of boiled water and a sprig or 2 of thyme for decoration, add to your spray bottle and you have a very effective, sweet smelling anti bacterial household spray.
Added by marian farrell on June 20, 2009 at 17:07 —
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I'm interested in learning about food we can gather for free in the wild.
The Organic Centre in Leitrim has a day course in August. And we can download detailed and useful information with beautiful photos from the
Wild Food School. Happy eating!
Added by marian farrell on June 11, 2009 at 16:01 —
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RIGHTS: Indigenous Wisdom Against Climate Change
Thursday, April 30, 2009 18:13 GMT
By Stephen Leahy*
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Apr 28 (Tierramérica**) - While industrialised countries like Canada continue to emit ever-higher levels of greenhouse-effect gases, indigenous peoples around the world are working to survive and adapt to an increasingly dangerous climate.
Over millennia, indigenous peoples have developed a large arsenal of practices that are of…
Added by marian farrell on May 25, 2009 at 18:14 —
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Three Masters students in Leadership for Sustainable Development at Queens University Belfast are developing a website to promote the idea of sustainable development.
They are currently running a competition which involves creating a piece of art reflecting sustainability concepts. Closing date July 31st.
Added by marian farrell on May 13, 2009 at 12:03 —
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Have a look in the Media Zone for this short video by The Renegade Economist. James Robertson calls our elected representatives to task for their failure to take charge of the creation of money.
Added by marian farrell on April 28, 2009 at 12:06 —
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Training for Leadership, Livelihoods, & Local Resilience
A 10 week course
Expand and Deepen Your Knowledge
Become more effective as an individual, a member of your community and a global citizen
Learn to implement sustainable projects at a local level
Engage critically on global issues
Forge links with others to create change
Climate Change, Energy Descent and Energy Conservation,…
Added by marian farrell on April 28, 2009 at 12:02 —
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This is an innovative and experimental project teaching building for an uncertain future of
scarcities and climate change.
The Funky Junk Project – turning waste problems into constructive solutions, useful for
those who want an overview and an introduction to sustainable building. Topics covered
will include low energy consumption, green building technologies, environmentally friendly
building materials, water efficiency, comfort and conservation. Lead by an…
Added by marian farrell on April 28, 2009 at 11:53 —
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At the Transition Omagh meeting on Sunday I heard about the
Fife diet - a project where some Fife people are being monitored as they only eat local food for a year. I went looking and found this very interesting and effective approach to community awareness raising.
Added by marian farrell on March 31, 2009 at 17:57 —
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The first Transition Cafe on Saturday 28th March in Belmont Playtrail Eco-House was a very enjoyable way of getting to know like-minded people, sharing knowledge and skills and planning some actions. Around thirty adults attended for all or part, some staying from
Derry City Council's Biodiversity workshop in the morning. (I am following up Julie's suggestion for a pond in a bucket - I'm interested in having frogs to eat my slugs). Babies…
Added by marian farrell on March 29, 2009 at 12:00 —
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This is an inspirational film - Rebecca Hosking's personal journey towards learning how to maintain her father's Devon farm in a sustainable way, it also pulls together key thinkers on Climate Change, Peak Oil and Biodiversity. After watching it, I am looking for training in Urban Forest Gardening.
It was first shown on BBC2 Friday 20th February and now due to popular demand, the programme is being screened for a second time on BBC2 Saturday 4th April at 5.20pm.
It can also be watched…
Added by marian farrell on March 29, 2009 at 10:30 —
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Earth Hour
March 28, 2009 8:30 – 9:30 pm
A global event created to symbolize that each one of us, working together, can make a positive impact on climate change
March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm tens of millions of people in hundreds of cities around the world will come together once again to make a bold statement about their concern about climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their…
Added by marian farrell on March 21, 2009 at 8:00 —
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The G20 Must Discuss Monetary Reform at its 2nd April Meeting
and We Must Make Sure It's on Their Agenda
The way money is created today as profit-making debt, both nationally and internationally, cannot avoid leading to recurrent highly damaging booms and busts. In normal times too, it results in a skewed system of financial rewards and penalties that motivates almost everyone in the world to get money in socially, environmentally,…
Added by marian farrell on February 8, 2009 at 8:00 —
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The Powerdown Course
The course is sub-titled "training for leadership, livelihoods and resilient
communities". A bit of a mouthful and daunting at first but what it really boils
down to is three simple themes:
Anyone who is willing to engage with the challenges of peak oil, climate change
and sustainability issues and to work towards the goal of sustainable living both
in their own lives and within their…
Added by marian farrell on February 1, 2009 at 17:29 —