Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

This is an innovative and experimental project teaching building for an uncertain future of
scarcities and climate change.
The Funky Junk Project – turning waste problems into constructive solutions, useful for
those who want an overview and an introduction to sustainable building. Topics covered
will include low energy consumption, green building technologies, environmentally friendly
building materials, water efficiency, comfort and conservation. Lead by an Architectural
Designer and a Permaculturist at Castle Espie Wetland Centre outside Comber, County
A willingness to work outdoors is required and the conditions would encourage participants
to come prepared with adequate clothing and sturdy footwear.
The building will explore principles of energy efficiency, natural and non-toxic building
materials, demonstrating passive solar technology, the use of hempcrete and waste
materials such as tyres, glass bottles and packaging as effective building resources.
When completed, the structure will be used as a reading room for Oxfam's surplus books
which currently cause them storage problems. An honesty box will allow any visitors
wishing to take a book home to make a voluntary donation to the charity.
Each weekend course demonstrates and completes the stage described [ preparation on
a voluntary basis weekdays while course running]
Cost: £280 inclusive of all course materials and lunches.
stage one; course weekend 2nd +3rd May 2009
construction of recycled tyre elements, 3No. columns and three courses of bonded tyres to
splash wall on south
stage two; course weekend 16th + 17th May 2009
construction of two external walls one of mass hempcrete with shuttering system, and the
other of cordwood bounded with hempcrete and tied to tyre columns. Also includes
construction and placement of lintels and window boxes.
stage three; course weekend 30th + 31st May 2009
construction of 'flat' green roof, rafters make up roof form with large overhang, warm roof
buildup finished with sedum mat.
stage four; course weekend 6th + 7th June 2009
construction of insulated floor on earth bed and finished in salvaged paving slabs
stage five; course weekend 13th + 14th June 2009
glazed passive solar element set at 62 degrees, entrance doors and internal wall
stage six; course weekend 27th + 28th June 2009
external + internal rendering of hemp walls, finishing with clay and hemp based materials.
further stages to follow
ceramic stove, solar water heating, permaculture roof beds
for further info: t: [0] 28/48 91874146, w:
prepared by Rachael Ludlow, member of Association for Environmentally Conscious

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