Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

The first Transition Cafe on Saturday 28th March in Belmont Playtrail Eco-House was a very enjoyable way of getting to know like-minded people, sharing knowledge and skills and planning some actions. Around thirty adults attended for all or part, some staying from Derry City Council's Biodiversity workshop in the morning. (I am following up Julie's suggestion for a pond in a bucket - I'm interested in having frogs to eat my slugs). Babies and children contributed to the energy but mostly opted wisely for staying outside in the Playtrail.

People generously brought a wide variety of seeds (some saved locally) and seedlings - chitted potatoes, blackcurrants, salads, marigolds (good for attracting ladybirds and other insects which eat aphids I learned in the biodiversity workshop) and more.

The skills available were many and varied. My favourites were:
goat milking
seaweed harvesting and cooking
yeast making - from raisins and potato peelings.
I'm looking forward to the workshops.

Small group conversations ranged from:
Heart and Soul - supporting people in the transition to a downsized life
Education - growing vegetables and healthy eating in schools
Vegetable Growing - making raised beds.

One participant said 'everyone has gone away with at least one contact' - and that's how we build resilience.

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