Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Hello everyone.
Once again a big thank you to all those who have signed and shared the petition to Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in Northern Ireland. (If you do not wish to receive update emails please reply with the word Cancel in the comment line)
The petition is still growing slowly but steadily. Don't forget if you are using the paper petition attached to send completed forms to:
Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland, 7 Donegall Street Place, BELFAST, BT1 2FN
First some fun.
 You are invited via  on a musical world tour LIVE ONLINE! NO FRACKING IRELAND has teamed up with livetrad.comto offer you a no-holds barred trad Irish music session.

So, on April 26th (10pm) or anytime for one week after the event.  Just pull up to your PC or get out the iPad and join us for a live session from the heart of Leitrim and the famous Cryan's Pub in Carrick-on-Shannon. If you want a message read out just send an email along on the night from anywhere in the world. The trad session will feature some really top trad talent, so do tune in for what is the first in a series of great trad sessions taking place this Spring and Summer on LiveTrad.

Now for the bad news. Judging by the number of people who signed the petition ,last week.  Its now common knowledge that the UK government believe that Fracking can be regulated. This includes earthquakes! 

Please put aside a half hour and make your opinion heard, drilling will start again, by Caudrilla, at Singleton without a huge effort.
 In anticipation of your efforts. THANKS, Dawn.
Vanessa Vine of No Fracking Sussex has put together all the hints and tips you may require to make a comment on this DECC report.

Public comments however small are vital, every one must be investigated and if enough people comment it will further delay the return of Fracking in England.
 Responses should be sent, by 25 May 2012 to:

Direct link to DECC info here:
 When responding, be aware that the seismic smokescreen in this Report exists to distract from the far more insidious threat of irreversible contamination of groundwater/aquifers, with both introduced carcinogens and radioactive isotopes released from the subterranean geology.  There are huge unresolved/unresolvable questions as to how this highly toxic "produced water" can be disposed of.
The Report makes no mention of the likely impact of relatively small tremors on the integrity of the bore holes, risking fracturing of the (inflexible) cement casings and further resultant risk of leakage and water contamination..
Hydraulic fracturing for shale and coal seam gas threatens our air, our water our seismic security and the future of our energy sustainability.
It would draw massively and inexcusably on our already critically depleted water resources and would have hugely negative impact on local communities through noise pollution and tanker traffic.
It would offer no direct benefit to those local communities (the employment carrot is a myth - experienced engineers would be brought in)
The industry tries to tell us that shale gas is a cleaner greener fuel than coal, but they neglect to mention that - when the vast heavy tanker transport logistics and fugitive emissions (of methane from the extraction process) are taken into account, fracking for shale gas has a higher carbon profile overall than mined coal.
 We must NOW look decisively at the energy efficiency of our buildings, which would cut emissions/energy use by a large percentage and invest instead in truly sustainable and renewable sources of energy.
The British people need to be extremely concerned that our legislators and advisers from Balcombe Parish Council:

The BGS has a vested interest in promoting hydraulic fracturing – and has a direct route via which to influence government thinking.
The British Geological Survey plays a key role in UK government’s view of fracking. Yet the BGS’s annual report reveals the organisation is partly funded by companies involved in the hydraulic fracturing industry, including Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon, BG Group and Schlumberger.
The BGS’s close financial ties to industry raises questions about the impartiality of a widely-awaited BGS report commissioned by the UK government. This report will form the basis of any government decision to restart fracking in Lancashire. The government has previously commissioned the BGS to report on the UK’s Shale Gas potential, and the BGS also gave expert testimony to the Select Committee on Energy and Climate Change on the same subject.
This clear conflict of interest has not been noted by DECC nor the BGS itself; indeed it is a structural problem within the oil and gas sector that very few geologists are independent.

.. have allowed themselves to be so blatantly manipulated by Cuadrilla and the rest of the invading international shale gas industry.
It simply beggars belief that they try to mollify us with risible reassurances that the earthquakes - which they acknowledge that they will continue to cause - are not likely to cause any "significant" damage and therefore everything will be fine.
Just how credulous do they think the British people are?!
It is time to get loud and crystal clear.  We must not stand for this deeply irresponsible behaviour on the part of those who are empowered to legislate for us.  Our own health, the health of our livestock and that of the UK wild ecology is now at stake.
Many Thanks

Vanessa Vine
NO Fracking in Sussex
17th April 2012


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