Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership events

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Meadow Survey

Friday 19th  July, 10.30am – 3.00pm

Ness Country Park

(Previously postponed due to bad weather)

Take part in the meadow survey while learning how to identify wildflowers and grass species.  Dermot Hughes an expert botanist will give tips on how to remember the names of different species and how to record what is present.  A must for anyone interested in wild plants.

Picnic lunch provided.   Booking essential.

If you previously had booked on the 2nd July please let Annie know if you can make the 19th

Butterflies and Bears Picnic

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Thursday 15th  August, 6.00pm

Ness Country Park

Family event to look for purple hairstreak butterflies and to promote butterflies in general.  Butterflies and bear picnic and other kids activities.

Volunteers required to help set up, supervise information stalls, telescopes, pond dipping and generally look after equipment. Volunteer also required to wear large red squirrel suit to welcome our young guests!

River Discovery Day

Friday 16th  August, 12.00-4.00pm

Riverwatch, Victoria Rd, Prehen

Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership and Loughs Agency host their annual environmental activity day at Riverwatch.  Activities include fishing experiences, bird of prey display, kayaking, art workshops, games, marine touch tank, trails and moth trapping to name a few.

Volunteers required to help set up and supervise information stalls, and games.  Volunteers welcome for full day or for a few hours. 

For further details contact Annie Mullan, Community Engagement Officer, Tel: 07718699190 email:

Faughan Valley Landscape Partnership involves a working partnership between RAPID, Derry City Council and the Woodland Trust supported by Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), ‘Landscape Partnerships’.




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