Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Bat Box Event

Friday 14th February 11:00

Ballyarnet Country Park

The NI Bat Group will install new bat homes at Ballyarnet Country Park, as part of a regional campaign across Northern Ireland, to provide habitats for this European Protected Species. For further information contact Christine Doherty on 02871 365151 or email Please wear warm, waterproof clothing and suitable footwear.



Learn How to Plant a Hedgerow


Thursday 20th February 11:00

Bready Cricket Club, Magheramason


As part of the Strabane & Derry Local Biodiversity Action Plan, a hedgerow planting training event will be held on Thursday 20th February at 11:00am at Bready Cricket Club, just off Mason Road at Magheramason. This course will help you to identify the different hedgerow species, choose your hedge plants, stock proofing and how to plant a hedgerow.

Hedgerows provide food, shelter and act as a wildlife corridor for badgers, rabbits, hedgehogs, bees, birds and bats between woodlands, farmland, parks and gardens. They are important for farming, provide stock proofing and shelter belts for livestock. They help to reduce soil erosion, protect crops and support pollinators.

This event is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Strabane District Council & Derry City Council.  For further information contact Christine Doherty on 02871 365151 or email Please wear warm, waterproof clothing and suitable footwear.




Invasive Alien Species Management Seminar

Friday 21st February

Everglades Hotel

Invasive alien species (including Japanese knotweed and Giant hogweed) are classified as the second largest threat to the global loss of biodiversity. This seminar will highlight how to identify, survey, produce management plans and control these invasive species. Also, a site visit will show best practise to control and improve water quality. This event is funded by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Derry City Council.  To book your place on this seminar contact Christine Doherty on 02871 365151 or email by 14th February.


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