Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

The Soil Association Food Security Campaigns

The Soil Association is a charity campaigning for planet-friendly food and farming. We believe in the importance of the connection between soil, food, the health of people and the health of the planet.

The Soil Association pioneered the first organic standards in 1967 and they remain among the highest in the world. Wherever you see the Soil Association symbol, you can trust your food has been produced sustainably, in harmony with nature and that animals have enjoyed free-range, high-welfare lives.

It’s much bigger than great food though. We work at all levels of government and community to develop and promote our campaigns and policy work. Our objective is to lobby for the UK to be 100% organic by 2050.

Our campaigning priorities are:

Promoting the benefits of organic food and farming
Organic food and farming is better for the environment, for wildlife and has the highest standards of animal welfare in the UK. Organic farming uses crop rotations to improve the fertility of the soil. Promoting the multiple benefits of organic production is core to the Soil Association’s mission.
Food security
With fluctuating oil prices, diminishing water supplies and a growing global population to feed, food security is back on the political agenda. During 2006-2008 rising food prices caused riots and social unrest in over 14 countries worldwide. The Soil Association is campaigning for a rapid transition from our current oil and chemical-based food and farming methods, to more resilient, local and organic production.
Food for Life
Led by the Soil Association, the Food for Life Partnership includes the Focus on Food Campaign, Garden Organic and the Health Education Trust. Together we are working to revolutionise school meals by giving children the chance to grow and cook food, and visit organic farms.
GM, antibiotics and pesticides
The Soil Association campaigns against genetic modification (GM), and the misuse of antibiotics in livestock production, which has led to a government ban on seven growth promoting hormones, and pesticides.

Pesticides have a devastating effect on the environment and there are uncertainties about the effectiveness of their official safety regulation, as well as the unknown impact on human health.

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