Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Take Action to ensure that Fracking is banned in Northern Ireland

This photo is dedicated to those of you who already have or are about to step well out of your comfort zones to help stop Fracking in Northern Ireland.
 As promised last week, news on the proposals from Tamboran:
The following is an exert from the press release:
"Tamboran is proceeding with its agreed work programme of analysis, required under its existing licences, and will publish an update later this year. Additionally, the company will undertake a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment which will include a 12 month baseline study of all aspects of the environment, including soil, groundwater, air quality, noise levels, and seismic activity. The company will publish these findings upon completion in early 2013 and will then outline its intentions as to how it will request permission to proceed to the next stage of the licensing and planning processes."
‘Tamboran will not utilise any chemicals in its hydraulic fracturing process in Northern Ireland, and we will be bringing together the best technologies developed worldwide into this one project to ensure the safe and responsible development of a tremendous resource for Northern Ireland.’
‘We are undertaking a full Environmental Impact Assessment, which will set out the specific criteria under which the company must safely and responsibly conduct its operations to the very highest standards.’
‘Additionally, we will establish a substantial community investment fund to ensure all benefits are shared at local as well as national levels. We consider it essential to deliver a direct benefit for local residents. Tamboran undertakes to operate safely and our commitment to openness and transparency will remain every step of the way.’ "
So, that would sound pretty reasonable if you haven't heard it all before and seen the aftermath. 
Mr. R. Moorman CEO, of Tamboran, spoke to Niall Delaney, on Ocean FM recently and said,  "Alberta A major agribusiness province. Major, co-exists peacefully with over half a million oil and gas wells."   
"In the case of Ireland the rules are even tougher than what's in place in Alberta which are pretty tough compared to whats in the US. "
Jessica Ernst, also from Alberta, has worked in the oil industry for thirty years she says, "I believed the government when they promised us that what happened in America would not happen in Alberta......" Her testimony is well worth the time. Please watch and share with your friends, family and community leaders.    (Article showing the Canadian position. They want a moratorium too.)

North West Network is co ordinating the visit of Jessica Ernst to Ireland , where she will be presenting, "Fracking Inhumanity", which deals with the issue of Hydraulic Fracturing in Alberta, Canada. Jessica will present in Fermanagh, (facilitated by Fermanagh Fracking Awareness) on 21st February, and with Dr. John O'Connor on 22nd Feb, in the Clarion Hotel at 8pm. Jessica will then present in the Bush Hotel Carrick on Shannon, 23rd Feb, and in Glenfarne, Co. Leitrim on the 24th. Full details of her schedule to follow. (If you are interested in attending any of these events reply to this email for furtther information. )  Also co-presenting, with Dr. John O'Connor from Alberta, Canada, "The Realities of Hydraulic Fracturing, and associated health risks", on Wednesday, 22nd February ,at the Clarion hotel Sligo, at 8pm, then the Bush hotel, Carrick.

We are really looking forward to hosting our guests from Canada who have lived in Fracking zones, know the industry, and who cannot be accused of "getting their facts from out of date sites on the internet, or from the documentary Gasland " as they are experts in their respective fields, and live surrounded by fracking and tar sands drilling.

Now is the time for some simple but effective action.
Dr. A. Law, from Physicians Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (PSE), gave expert testimony to the New York State enquiry and his work has been published in the American Journal of Public Health.  I would like to thank him for taking the time to write an open letter to MLA Mrs. A. Foster requesting the DETI uphold the vote for the moratorium. On January 9th 2012 PSE called for a moratorium on Fracking in the U.S.
It would be a wonderful if everyone reading this in the UK and Ireland would print out a copy of this letter, pass it along to your local Doctor, hospital, MLA or councillors and ask for a written opinion. Unless we actively engage all of the community a grassroots campaign like this cannot succeed. We do not have a massive PR budget but we all have doctors and democratically elected representatives.
Neither resource I have sent today is a short soundbite as the implications of this this must be fully understood. Soundbites, often heard in the mainstream media, do not get to the heart of this important issue.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please do take part in some action.
Yours sincerely
Northern Ireland Petition Action plan.
We all have different amounts of free time so please do what you can and thanks in advance for your actions.
1. Print off the paper petition document and send completed forms to. Ban Fracking NI, C/O Friends of the Earth,  7 Donegall Street Place Belfast, County Antrim BT1 2FN, United Kingdom.
2. Forward this email to anyone you think may be interested, we do not have millions to invest in PR but between us all we have a lot of contacts.
3. Here is a suggestion I received today which I think is an excellent idea. "Would any of you consider putting up Anti-Fracking signs outside your houses and/or driveways. Show unity, don't be shy."   Send photos for the next update or post on Facebook.
4. Don't forget your doctor needs to see a copy of the open letter to Arelene Foster MLA. There are many doctors opposing this already, but just like the petition signatures, we need many more.
5. I am collecting examples of renewable energy and the current situation with respect to its development in NI. If you have any suggestions for that update please reply with details to this email.
6. Write to your MLA or local newspaper, Fermanagh is just the beginning, if you look carefully at the licensing map you will notice how large an area of Northern Ireland is included.
 Here is the list of all the MLAs and a few newspapers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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