Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown


Free Open Day - 2nd March

Come and visit us at the Mud and Wood House on Sunday, 2nd March.

Between 10:00am and 5:30pm we will be giving free talks and tours about the process of designing and building a cob and straw bale house. We will have video footage and photos of the early stages of construction and there will plenty of other stuff to see, such as the tools and equipment we used. And weather permitting, we hope do to some outdoor demonstrations too. 

So drop in for a cup of tea any time. Click here to find out when tours and talks will start (although it will be pretty informal on the day). Directions to the house will go online closer to the date or email us for directions, if you prefer.

Changes to Building Control

On 1st March 2014, there will be a fundamental change to the way building projects are documented and monitored in Ireland. For the first time, construction details for houses and large extensions must be lodged with the Building Control Authority before any works start on site. The project must be signed off at key stages during the build and no-one will be allowed to move into their new home until the final certificate has been registered with the BCA.
The rules around who can build are tightening up too. Currently, there is a distinction between competent builders and registered builders. As long as this distinction remains in the legislation, competent self-builders will be able to continue to build their own homes. However, there are concerns that the definition of competency may be narrowed in the future and the age-old tradition (and, we think, basic human right) of building your own home could be under pressure. For more details, read our blog.

Colin's Wedding Thrones

Recently we received a call from a groom-to-be looking for a pair of wedding thrones for the top table. So Colin set to work and created these gorgeous matching his and hers elm seats.
The timber was locally sourced. The elm, killed by a fungus spread by the elm bark beetle, blew down during a storm. Colin collected the tree, milled it into slabs and air-dried it naturally over 1-2 years.
Elm trees can be easily identified by their burls, knobbly growths where the grain has developed in a deformed manner. It is these burls, with their kaleidoscopic grain patterns, which makes elm such a beautiful wood to work with.
Peter Kelly, aka Franc - wedding planner extraordinaire, says that rustic weddings are "bang on trend" - straw bales, whiskey barrels and natural edge wood. So if you would like to bring a bit of Shrek or Hobbiton to your nuptials, get in touch. We love working with clients to create the perfect design.

Design Course

8th - 9th March 
Our most popular course is now on its 6th outing.
How do you pick a site? How do you make the most of the site you have? How do you design for your lifestyleand your budget? How does the planning process work in Ireland? Build a model of your dream home.
For more info and to book, click here.

Natural Edge Wood

22nd - 23rd March 
Starting with a wind-fallen tree, be taken on a journey from the field or forest to the saw mill and workshop. 
How do you get a tree out of the forest? How do you decide what size to get your timber milled. How long does it take to dry? Learn to make natural edge wood shelves. 
For more info and to book, click here.

Cob Oven Course

5th - 6th April 
How do you build an outdoor pizza oven using lowly, humble mud?
Learn how to analyse soil, mix batches of cob and get all the tricks of the trade for making a functional, sculptural garden feature. If you enjoyed making mud pies as a kid, then this is the course for you!
For more info and to book, click here.

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