Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Irish Seed Savers Information Session & Fundraising Coffee Morning



Our Coffee Morning Fundraiser in aid of Irish Seed Savers Association


Saturday 8th February  from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

at The Playtrail, Racecourse Rd, Derry


We invite you to join us, enjoy a Cuppa (tea, coffee, herb teas), a chat and give a donation.


Support the  vital work of Irish Seed Savers

Irish Seed Savers Association (ISSA), over the last 23 years,  has been conserving, growing and distributing heritage varieties of seeds, grains, vegetables and fruit suited to Ireland's temperate climate. It's aim is to promote agricultural biodiversity for food security. This year ISSA's government funding has been savagely cut so the organisation is appealing for support from individuals who wish to see its work survive.


At the Coffee Morning you can

-        learn about  ISSA seed saving activities, membership, workshops and projects

-        browse ISSA seed catalogue and website  - (internet permitting)

-        hear from Eleanor Lamb about the work of her father, Dr. Keith Lamb in saving heritage Irish Apples now continued at ISSA

-        share your own experiences of growing plants and local projects

-        bring any seeds you want to share

-        buy some unusual easy to grow South American tubers – oca and tuberous nasturtium

-        enjoy a tour of the Playtrail (beside Belmont and Foyleview schools)

Join us in sharing your gardening knowledge, experiences, curiosity and contributions.


About Irish Seed Savers -

Irish Seed Savers Association, based in Scarriff, Co. Clare ,has been developing its conservation and education programmes since its foundation in 1991.Through the hard work of staff, volunteers and the generosity of subscribers and friends of Irish Seed Savers has grown steadily.


The Mission Statement of Irish Seed Savers Association is to-

Protect, conserve & utilise Irish plant genetic resources including rare heritage seeds, grains, vegetables & fruit.

Promote agricultural biodiversity for food security.

Educate the public on agricultural biodiversity and food security through information and workshops.

Research seed, grain, vegetable and fruit varieties suited to Ireland's temperate maritime climate.


What you can do to help ISSA survive:

ISSA Membership: Become a subscriber and you will receive 5 free packets of heritage seeds, 3 varieties of heritage potatoes, a 10% discount on Apple Trees and Workshops and a bi annual newsletter, plus free entry to ISSA  Organic Seed Gardens, Orchards and Woodlands.


Share this information and Organise a Fundraiser in your home or your community:

Go to Coffee morning organiser's page


Invitation from Mary Kay Mullan

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