Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Glasgow sets out it's sustainable vision

Plans to transform Glasgow into one of Europe's greenest cities within a decade have been published.
The Sustainable Glasgow report sets out methods to drive down carbon emissions and meet future energy needs.
It outlines projects on renewable energy, district heating, sustainable transport, smart grids, biogas, biomass and energy management and efficiency.
The report estimates that green energy projects could bring in £1.5bn of new investment to the city within 10 years.
The strategy has been drawn up by Sustainable Glasgow, a consortium led by the University of Strathclyde.
Other partners include Glasgow City Council, Scottish and Southern Energy, Veolia (Source One), Scottish Enterprise and Blitzer, Clancy and Company.

Innovative research and training have a critical role to play in securing the UK's energy future and driving down carbon emissions
Professor Jim McDonald
Principal, Strathclyde University
The project aims to transform the city into a hub of the sustainable energy sector, delivering jobs and training.
It will play a major role in attempts to regenerate communities and tackle fuel poverty over the next 10 years.
Recommendations in the report include initiatives such as the creation of systems to turn the city's sewage and municipal waste into biogas.
There would be a drive to increase the use of biogas and electric vehicles.
Moves could also be made to develop district heating system and gradually phase out electric, coal and oil heating.
This would go hand-in-hand with the development of natural biogas-fuelled combined heat and power systems and a smart grid system to deliver power.
'World leader'
Other initiatives would see the creation of urban woodlands on vacant city land and projects to encourage "behavioural change" among the city's residents.
Capital investment for the projects will come mainly from the private sector and a number of commercial organisations have already indicated their interest.
Professor Jim McDonald, principal of the University of Strathclyde, said: "Scotland has a tremendous opportunity not only to be a world leader in renewable energy technologies, but to improve quality of life and create long-term investment and jobs.
"Innovative research and training have a critical role to play in securing the UK's energy future and driving down carbon emissions.
"I am proud that the University of Strathclyde and Glasgow are taking a lead in this vitally important field - demonstrating what can be achieved when government, universities, business and communities work together towards a common goal."

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