Hi - You may be aware that the draft regeneration plan for th ecity-region has gone to public consultation. It includes a proposal for an 'Eco-City Programme' aimed at promoting the transition to renewable energy/energy efficiency - see attached copy below of text from draft. There has been some scepticism whether there would be any public support for it. I would very much appreciate it, if you could find time to have a look over the proposal & if you support it, to feedback your views to Ilex - regenerationplan@ilex-urc.com . Please encourage others to send in their views too.
There is also brief reference in the plan to 'Development of allotments and urban gardening programme' in the 'Quality Places, Spaces and Neighbourhoods' catalyst programme. An earlier version of the plan had more detail about developing a strategic urban gardening programme, including allotments, community gardens, market gardens, etc. This text appears to have disappeared in the final draft. You might also want to comment on this. Again, please encourage others to send their comments.
A summary of the plan or full report can be downloaded from the ilex website - www.ilex-urc.com
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