Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

Bat & ghost detecting at Gransha Wood

Are you brave enough to venture into the City’s old morgue at night as part of the Banks
of the Foyle Hallowe’en Carnival 2010?

Derry City Council is organising a bat and ghost detecting hunt in Gransha Woods on Thursday 28th October at 7pm. If you think you are brave enough,
then why not come along to experience a horrifying Hallowe’en woodland
nightmare, and use our detectors to search for bats in the woods and ghosts in
the City’s old morgue!

There are a range of bats hanging out in Gransha Woods waiting to be discovered. Bring your garlic along to keep the vampires away! There will also be horrific
Halloween storytelling. This event is not for the faint hearted and only
those brave enough, will come out of the woods in one piece!

Christine Doherty, Derry City Council’s Biodiversity Officer, explained: “This is an excellent opportunity for adults to learn about bats and how
this nocturnal species hunts its prey after sunset!”

Karen Healy, Northern Ireland Bat Group, added: “We are delighted to be involved with this event, as we would like to raise awareness of bat species in
the city and highlight how people can help them. I am looking forward to
partnering with Derry City Council, to establish a North West Bat Group in the

is an adult only event, in a no alcohol zone and booking is essential. This event
is part
of the ‘Do One Thing’ for nature campaign, funded by
Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Derry City Council.

To book your place, contact Christine Doherty on 02871 365151 or email

Check out the full event listing at

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