Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

10 year old Holly explains why there is so much debt!

Believe it or not, many economics graduates come out of uni without ever being taught about how money actually come into existence. Even when they are taught something about money creation, it’s a story about the banking system that’s at least 40 years out of date. If the people in charge of the economy don’t understand where money comes from or how it works, we’re in trouble. There's more about what that 'trouble' means for us here

Right now, we need your help to share this video

We’re trying to get the people in charge to understand why our current money system is broken and how we can fix it. It’s not going to happen overnight, but we think Holly’s explanation of the problems in our money system will help other people - and policy makers - to understand why we need to change it. The faster we get the public, academics, the media and politicians to understand money, the faster we can change the system.

So please take a few minutes to: 

1. Share the video on Facebook

2. Tweet it – try to think of economics students, economists, celebrities, people you think would be interested 

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Hi, this video is amazing – I think you will like it too: it’s a 10 year old explaining the truth about where money comes from: 

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Best wishes,

Ben, Drew, Fran, Henry, Miriam & Mira

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