February 27, 2010 from 11am to 1pm – Belmont PlaytrailThe North West Regional College in partnership with the Playtrail are delivering a 10-week vegetable growing course starting on the 27th February from 11am-1pm at the Playtrail, Racecourse Road. The…Organized by NWRC & Belmont Playtrail | Type: workshops
March 23, 2010 from 9:15am to 4:30pm – Belmont PlaytrailDeveloping Sustainable Community Allotments
Groundwork NI, in conjunction with the Department for Social
Development, has organised a series of best practice seminars on
community allotments. These…Organized by Groundwork NI | Type: seminar
May 15, 2010 from 12pm to 2pm – Belmont PlaytrailGareth Austin, reknowned local gardener (with a Scottish accent) will be sharing his expertise in Belmont Playtrail, with a series of vegetable growing classes. Participants will be able to sow seeds…Organized by Belmont Playtrail | Type: workshops