Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

cye bannon
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  • Kathleen O'Hara Farren
  • Bev Doherty
  • marian farrell

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cye bannon might attend marian farrell's event

Timebank workshop at Holywood Library (upstairs)

May 15, 2010 from 2pm to 4pm
HTT Timebank is an exciting new community initiative for Holywood and its environs. It is a way for people to help others and be rewarded for it – in time. For every hour of time you give helping someone, you receive one time-credit. The HTT Timebank also runs various activities in the local community in which members can take part and earn time-credits.Come to the workshop and learn more, get involved, have a cup of coffee, meet existing members, trade ideas, watch a short film on timebanking,…See More
Apr 27, 2010
cye bannon is attending marian farrell's event

Solar Panel Cooperative Workshop at Creggan Country Park

March 13, 2010 from 9:30am to 11:30am
Solar Panel Cooperative WorkshopCreggan Country Park and Transition DerrySaturday 13th March9.30 – 11.30amCreggan Country ParkWestwayDerryTransition Derry are asking for a donation to cover costs.Have you thought about installing solar panels but felt daunted about finding the most suitable system for your house, by the cost and the installation process?Cye Bannon has recently installed a solar evacuated tube setup at his own house in Belfast, and has trained in the other main solar thermal…See More
Feb 11, 2010
A discussion started by cye bannon was featured

Solar Collective / Co-operative

Hi there,I have been kicking around an idea for a NI solar co-operative aimed at supporting DIY installation of solar thermal (domestic water heating). Here's how it might work: A few experienced solar people A & B (founding/initial members) help out person C with their DIY solar install. In recompense, person C commits to provide xxx hours assistance on the next collective install. On the next few installations, say for persons D & E, founders A & B need to put in less time because…See More
Jan 10, 2010
cye bannon added a discussion to the group Energy

Solar Collective / Co-operative

Hi there,I have been kicking around an idea for a NI solar co-operative aimed at supporting DIY installation of solar thermal (domestic water heating). Here's how it might work: A few experienced solar people A & B (founding/initial members) help out person C with their DIY solar install. In recompense, person C commits to provide xxx hours assistance on the next collective install. On the next few installations, say for persons D & E, founders A & B need to put in less time because…See More
Dec 31, 2009
cye bannon joined Admin's group
Dec 31, 2009
cye bannon is now a member of Transition Derry
Dec 31, 2009

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Energy, Transport, Skill Exchange
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At 13:40 on August 1, 2010, Mary Kay Mullan said…
Dear Cye
Welcome to transition Derry - I don't know how this website works and I'm trying to contact you re installing solar heating - both water and electricity.
I'm Marian Farrell's neighbour in Derry. We are having our roof replaced late august/ early September and want to instal solar panels. Neither the roofer nor our plumber have experience of installing solar water heating but are interested in learning. We would be interested in talking with you and learning how to prepare and what to consider.

The house is detatched with hipped roof oriented south/south west at front shaded a bit by end of terrace house on southeast/south facing slope.

I look forward to hearing from you and possibly meeting up.
Best wishes

Mary Kay Mullan

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