Transition Derry

Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown

How many billions are we going to allow governments to pour into banks before we stop joking about how we would like some of those big bonus payments? We've been led to believe that the money system was in the capable hands of experts, so we didn't need to worry. Well that obviously wasn't true. Now those experts seem to be treating the money system like the weather, as if there is only so far mere humans can go in controlling it. Well money was invented by humans, as a means of exchange so we could easily provide for ourselves and our families. That bartering system is still in operation locally - where people swap care for each others' children, share farmwork, building skills and more.
Transition Derry are opening up discussion on how we can get back to basics with local money systems. In March we will be hosting a series of open forums on the following themes, alongside radio interviews with leading economic thinkers and activists. All contributions welcome.

Monday 2nd March – What is transition economics? (Rob Hopkins interview)

Monday 9th March – Money (James Robertson interview)

Monday 16th March – Globalisation

Monday 23rd March – The Social Economy (Ann Pettifor interview – A Green New Deal)

Monday 30th March – A Citizen’s Income

Monday 6th April – Doing it Ourselves (Richard Douthwaite interview)

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just a quick update on the series going from
Monday 2nd March - Monday 6th April
7.30pm - 9.30pm Holywell Trust Bishop Street.

here's the updated running order.

Monday 2nd March - What is Economic Activity?
Monday 9th March - What is Money?
Monday 16th March - Globalisation
Monday 23rd March - Models of local money and exchange systems
Monday 30th March - The Social Economy
Monday 6th March - Doing it ourselves

see you then!



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