Tackling Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Breakdown
Time: March 30, 2010 from 9:30am to 4pm
Location: Waterside Theatre
Street: Glendermott Road
City/Town: Derry
Phone: 028 7136 5151 ext. 6933
Event Type: conference
Organized By: DCC and the NW Carnival Initiative
Latest Activity: Mar 22, 2010
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A City In Transition
From Contested Space To Active Space -
Discussing The Journey
Key Speakers:
Declan McGonagle - Director of NCAD
(National College of Art & Design)
Locally born Declan is now an internationally recognized curator, with experience which includes the Orchard Gallery, ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) London and the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin. He has initiated innovative Public Art and Community and Education Programmes.
Aideen McGinley – Chief Executive, Ilex.
Ilex was established to promote the physical, economic and social regeneration of Derry/Londonderry & has specific responsibility to manage and redevelop two former military basis of Ebrington and Fort George. Mixed-use development is envisaged for both sites and revitalization of the riverfront is a key objective.
Erica Campayne - Participation Producer, LIFT. (London International Festival of Theatre).
Erica is LIFT’s participation producer and has been intimately involved in the development and implementation of LIFT’s work with communities. LIFT works with artists from across the World to find new ways of seeing the City. LIFT has presented extraordinary events in both conventional theatres and in more unusual spaces such as disused power stations, churches and canal basins.
Pax Nindi - Creative Director, Combined Arts Services UK.
Consultancy work & arts services including Festivals, Music, Live Arts, Carnival, Circus and Street Arts. UK Centre for Carnival Arts, Cultural Consultant, Programmer and Initiator for a series of training courses for Artists.
Key Researcher & Writer for the National Carnival Arts Strategy, England.
Myriam Stoffen - Artistic Director, Zinneke. Brussels, Belgium
Zinneke builds intense collaborations between residents, organisations, collectives, schools and artists from different neighborhoods of Brussels and beyond. The Zinneke parade showcases the multicultural richness of neighborhoods and restores connection between fragmented districts. It is a participatory creation, an open space for everyone to experiment with co-operative living in the 21st Century City.
Local Speakers:
Representatives from the local community will present examples of successful arts and culture events and projects from the city, including:
Adele Dunn, Clooney Estate Residents Association, Arts and Regeneration and Re-imaging Communities.
Alison WallaceNewbuildings Community & Environmental Association Shoal’s Art in the Traveling Landscape project.
James Kerr Verbal Arts Centre consultation for regeneration with non geographical groups.
North West Carnival Initiative. An overview of the growth of community participation in Civic Events,
The city is currently engaged in a re-visioning process and this conference will be a timely opportunity for local communities to contribute and learn from the examples of local, national and international excellence. We would also welcome your insight into this debate within the city and to this end we would ask you to bring with you your thoughts on these two questions:
Q.1How can the city encourage greater participation in civic events from groups or individuals who are currently under-represented?
This could include ethnic minorities, citizens with disabilities and/or
inter-faith/inter-generational participation.
Q.2How can the city make better use of current and future civic space, such as? The Peace Bridge, the New Ebrington site, the New Guildhall Plaza, parks and open spaces, such as - St. Columb’s Park & Brook Park.
To book places please contact: Sinead Harkin at Derry City Council by either email: sinead.harkin@derrycity.gov.uk
or phone: 028 7136 5151 Ext: 6933.
This is a free Event and places will be booked on a first come first served basis. Lunch will be provided. If you have any dietary requirement please state at time of booking.
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